Award for Excellence in the Department of English

Scholarship Information

This scholarship was originated in 1982 by Lindsay McFadyen and several other members of the English department. Together, the faculty pooled their resources and created a private fund. It was established in order to reward a rising senior for consistent outstanding work in the department. The scholarship became endowed in 1985 by the Foundation and became an ongoing scholarship.

Scholarship Criteria

  • Must be a full-time student of senior status by the beginning of fall semester for which the scholarship is received.
  • Must be an English major (double majors are also eligible).
  • Must have completed at least 30 hours of course work at Radford.
  • Must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA, and a minimum 3.5 GPA in English courses.
  • Must remain an English major and must remain registered full-time.
  • Must not be, nor ever have been, on 20 weeks or more of disciplinary probation or suspension from any institution of higher learning.
