Johann & Marilyn Norstedt Scholarship for Voice

Scholarship Information

In 2009 Dr. and Mrs. Norstedt created this scholarship for musically talented students. They enjoyed listening to vocalists and attended many Radford University performances. Dr. and Mrs. Norstedt wanted talented vocalists to be attracted to and attend the University. Their support transformed the music department. Mrs. Norstedt passed away in 2012. Dr. Norstedt passed away in October, 2020, leaving a large portion of his estate to Radford University for scholarships in the College of Visual and Performing Arts.

Scholarship Criteria

  • Candidates must audition before a panel of a least three (3) Radford University music faculty members.
  • The scholarship may be renewable annually through reapplication if such a process is determined to be in the best interest of the program and the student(s) involved by the Music Department Chair.
  • To receive the scholarship in successive years, the recipient must maintain a minimum 2.8 GPA.
