Dr. Anne Scott Daughtrey Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Information

Dr. Daughtrey obtained a B.S. in Business Education from Radford in 1941 and began her teaching career at South Norfolk High School. In 1946 she moved to Maury High School where she worked for 13 years. She joined the ODU faculty in 1959 where she taught business administration for 29 years, obtained her masters in business administration from University of South Dakota in 1966 and authored more than 75 publications. In 1995 Dr. Daughtrey endowed the Joppa Beebe Scott and Minnie Virginia Hutton Scott Memorial Scholarship at Radford University in memory of her parents. She is cited in Whos Who (WW) of American Women, WW in the South and Southwest, WW in American Education, World WW of Women-Cambridge, England, 200 Women of Achievement, The Writer’s Dictionary, Dictionary of International Biography, Contemporary Authors and Outstanding Educators of America.

Dr. Daughtrey served on the boards of the Epworth Church Foundation and the College of William and Mary Foundation. She was a member of the World Affair Council of Greater Hampton Roads, Norfolk Sister City Assn., Norfolk-Virginia Beach Executives Club, Town-N-Gown, Starbase Atlantis of Hampton Roads and the VA Council on Economics Education. She was a board member for the Virginia Symphony, Virginia Opera Guild, Chrysler Museum of Arts Masterpiece, Mowbray Arch Societies, N.Y.C.C. Board of Governors, The Harbor Club, Lakewood Garden Club and the Friends of ODU Library Assn. Dr. Daughtrey passed away in 2007, leaving a portion of her estate to RU to create this Scholarship.

Scholarship Criteria

  • Must be a full-time upper-class student.
  • Must have and maintain a minimum of 3.25 GPA overall and a minimum 3.5 GPA in the applicant’s major.
  • Must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • Must Participate in approved campus/community extracurricular activities.
  • Must demonstrate financial need. FAFSA required.
  • May only be awarded to one scholar per year.
  • May be continuing, if student continues to meet eligibility requirements. Recipient must reapply to be considered.
