Janet Hardy Boettcher Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Information

This scholarship was created in loving memory of Dr. Janet Boettcher, Chair of the School of Nursing, who died in January 2002. Dr. Boettcher was a staunch advocate of the nursing profession and has left a great legacy at Radford University. She was instrumental in securing the mobile health unit, strengthening the College of Nursing, and serving as a role model. The University has lost a dear friend.

Scholarship Criteria

  • Must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • Must be committed to working in rural health care.
  • Must have been accepted into the upper division in Nursing at Radford University.
  • Must have completed a total of 60 semester hours, 30 at Radford.

Supplemental Questions
  1. If selected, do you commit to working in rural health care?