RUC-Debra Kimmel McNamara Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Debra Kimmel McNamara graduated as a diploma nurse from Conemaugh Valley Hospital (PA) in 1976. After 10 years as a registered nurse, Debra completed her bachelor of science in nursing at the University of Pittsburgh. Her nearly 25-year nursing career ended as a result of disability associated with breast cancer. This scholarship was established in 2000 by Debra’s husband, John P. McNamara, associate professor at Jefferson College of Health Sciences and his family to honor her dedication to the nursing profession and her family. The selected student must be an upperclassman or graduate nursing student at Radford University Carilion (RUC).

  • Provides assistance for tuition, books and other related fees to students enrolled in the nursing program
  • Student must have a connection with breast cancer–either currently battling breast cancer, a survivor or have a family member that is affected by it
  • Student must be an upperclassman or graduate nursing student
  • Priority is given to students demonstrating financial need

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a breast cancer patient, survivor or do you have a family member who is a patient or is a breast cancer survivor?
  2. If you answered yes to the previous question, please share your story.
  3. I release my academic information and any FAFSA data submitted to RUC (EFC/SAI, if a FAFSA is on file) and my contact information to Carilion’s Foundation Board so that they may make a final determination on whether I will be awarded one or more of Carilion’s Education Foundation Scholarships. I understand that Carilion’s Foundation Board will use my contact information to notify me of any scholarships for which I have been selected. I understand that Carilion’s Foundation Board will not share any of my information.