Clementine Hansley-Hurt Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Information

Clementine Hansley-Hurt was a professor in Radford’s Psychology Department and president of the local chapter of NAACP. After her death in 1992, friends and co-workers established this scholarship to help minority Psychology majors.

Scholarship Criteria

  • Must be a full time student enrolled at Radford University, with a designated major in the Department of Psychology.
  • Must demonstrate academic success through minimum GPA of 3.2 in the major, 3.0 GPA in overall course work.
  • Must not be, nor ever have been, on 20 weeks or more of disciplinary probation or suspension from any academic institution of higher learning.
  • Scholarship may be renewable upon meeting GPA requirement.
  • Recipient must reapply each year to be considered.
